Student Company Registration
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learning experience


Be an entrepreneur

Junior Achievement Georgia (JAG), in partnership with the Crystal Foundation, the microfinance organization Crystal, and with the financial support of

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Civil economy

Whether you’re “surfing” the Internet, reading the newspaper, listening to the news, or just talking to a friend, you’re dealing

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ჩვენ შესახებ

„ჯუნიორ ეჩივმენტი საქართველო“ 2002 წლიდან ახორციელებს სამეწარმეო და ფინანსური განათლების პროგრამების სწავლების ხელშეწყობას საქართველოში.


გამოიწერეთ არხები

about us

“Junior Achievement Georgia” has been promoting the teaching of entrepreneurial and financial education programs in Georgia since 2002.


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