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Our family (from 7 to 10 years old)

II – class

The program ensures the formation of skills provided by the standards of the basic level of social sciences in students. It discusses the following concepts:

– labor contribution of family members to family well-being;

– family needs and wishes;

– planning of buying goods and services by the family.

Objectives of the program:

After completing the program, students will be able to:

  • describe the similarities and differences between families;
  • classify needs and wants;
  • describe the jobs that people do;
  • analyze their own skills to determine ways to make a personal contribution to the family;
  • identify goods and services provided by local businesses;
  • Explain one of the characteristics of entrepreneurship, namely, satisfaction of needs and/or desires.

The program consists of 5 lessons and each of them includes:

  • Overview – a brief description of the activities to be conducted by the teacher.
  • Objectives – learning outcomes: what knowledge and skills the student will acquire from the lesson.
  • Preparation — tips for lesson preparation.
  • Concepts and Skills — A list of concepts and skills for each lesson.
  • Conclusion and summary – before the end of the lesson, the objectives of the lesson will be reviewed again.
  • discussion topics — issues that will help students to understand the discussed material;
  • Cross-curricular activities — activities performed by the teacher in the lessons of other subjects, which expand the student’s knowledge. Lesson outline — a coherent scenario of the lesson so that the teacher can easily achieve the objectives.

A list of required materials is defined for each lesson:

  • Teacher’s Guide;
  • student’s notebook;
  • key term index cards;
  • Additional materials corresponding to individual lesson activities (“handouts”).

Contact information: 0322 38 36 70; E-mail:

Be an entrepreneur

Junior Achievement Georgia (JAG), in partnership with the Crystal Foundation, the microfinance organization Crystal, and with the financial support of

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Civil economy

Whether you’re “surfing” the Internet, reading the newspaper, listening to the news, or just talking to a friend, you’re dealing

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ჩვენ შესახებ

„ჯუნიორ ეჩივმენტი საქართველო“ 2002 წლიდან ახორციელებს სამეწარმეო და ფინანსური განათლების პროგრამების სწავლების ხელშეწყობას საქართველოში.


გამოიწერეთ არხები

about us

“Junior Achievement Georgia” has been promoting the teaching of entrepreneurial and financial education programs in Georgia since 2002.


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