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Certification of entrepreneurial skills

The Entrepreneurial Skills Certification (ESP) is an international qualification for students aged 15-25 who have real entrepreneurial experience and have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and competences to start a business or be successfully employed.

ESP requires the completion of complex training:

  • First, students are involved in a hands-on entrepreneurial experience during the academic year, where they work in groups, guided by a teacher and business volunteers, and have the opportunity to set up and manage a mini-company.
  • On the other hand, by engaging in a mini-company experience, students can self-assess and demonstrate entrepreneurial competencies as they progress throughout the year.
  • Finally, students can complete their studies by taking an exam to prove that they have received an education in business, economics and finance.

The ESP exam is high-level and requires a student’s focus, critical and productive thinking. In addition to the inclusion of students in the company program, direct teaching or individual preparation is required for the exam. For this, additional materials are available for the teacher and the student.

ჩვენ შესახებ

„ჯუნიორ ეჩივმენტი საქართველო“ 2002 წლიდან ახორციელებს სამეწარმეო და ფინანსური განათლების პროგრამების სწავლების ხელშეწყობას საქართველოში.


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about us

“Junior Achievement Georgia” has been promoting the teaching of entrepreneurial and financial education programs in Georgia since 2002.


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