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Junior Achievement Alumni Network

Join us!


We provide ex-JA program participants with further experience and opportunities, supporting them to develop their passion for entrepreneurship and making connections with like-minded people through our international network.

Share your JA story with us

Are you a beginner or an experienced entrepreneur? Do you want to share your unique story and knowledge with a network of young and ambitious entrepreneurs to inspire?

At local and international events, we are always looking for inspiring individuals who want to share their entrepreneurial experience and become part of the #AlumniFamily.

ჩვენ შესახებ

„ჯუნიორ ეჩივმენტი საქართველო“ 2002 წლიდან ახორციელებს სამეწარმეო და ფინანსური განათლების პროგრამების სწავლების ხელშეწყობას საქართველოში.


გამოიწერეთ არხები

about us

“Junior Achievement Georgia” has been promoting the teaching of entrepreneurial and financial education programs in Georgia since 2002.


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