VI – class
The program develops students’ entrepreneurial mindset and creates a mood of readiness for employment. His secondary areas of interest include social sciences, geography, business, economics, ethics, reading, writing, and mathematics.
The program introduces students to the early, first-level learning objectives of entrepreneurship and the intersecting social sciences, which include: country, resources, supply chain, and problem solving based on comparing risk and potential gain.
Objectives of the program:
As a result of the program, the student will be able to:
- analyze how an entrepreneur uses resources and cooperates with others to produce goods and services;
- Understand how demand for employees and production changes due to global competition.
The program consists of 5 main and 1 additional lessons, and each of them includes:
- Overview – a brief description of the activities to be conducted by the teacher (volunteer).
- Objectives – learning outcomes: what knowledge and skills the student will acquire from the lesson.
- Preparation — tips for lesson preparation.
- Concepts and Skills — A list of concepts and skills for each lesson.
- Conclusion and summary – before the end of the lesson, the objectives of the lesson will be reviewed again.
- discussion topics — issues that will help students to understand the discussed material;
- Cross-curricular activities — activities performed by the teacher (volunteer) in the lessons of other subjects, which expand the student’s knowledge. Lesson outline — a coherent scenario of the lesson so that the teacher (volunteer) can easily achieve the goals.
A list of required materials is defined for each lesson:
- Teacher’s and Volunteer’s Guide;
- student flyers;
- Additional materials corresponding to individual lesson activities (“handouts”).
Contact information: 0322 38 36 70; E-mail: