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YES – Georgia

Junior Achievement Georgia (JAG), in partnership with the Crystal Foundation, the microfinance organization Crystal, and with the financial support of USAID, are implementing the project: “Youth Entrepreneurial Skills, Employment and Income Generation Support Program in Georgia” (YES-Georgia).

The program aims to increase the self-employment and employment opportunities of Georgian youth through youth enterprises, innovative delivery of relevant skills and new discourses.

The YES-Georgia project, through the JA Georgia component, aims to develop consumer, economic, social, critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, leadership and planning skills among schoolchildren, which forms the basis for the development of entrepreneurial skills and prepares young people for economic to achieve success in the field. Thus, YES-Georgia, in cooperation with JA Georgia, will expand the target group of beneficiaries among students of classes X, XI and XII.

Within the framework of mutual cooperation, the project YES – Georgia:

  • will prepare the program “Be an entrepreneur” in Georgian, along with additional materials;
  • will train 30 school teachers who will be divided into 3 groups (at least 10 teachers in each group), who will receive 15 hours of teacher training;
  • JA Georgia will conduct a special course “Be an entrepreneur” to 600 young people (10th, 11th and 12th grade students from 30 schools) throughout Georgia;
  • will hold two competitions, identify the best business plan and ensure the study of the winners in the “School of Young Entrepreneurs”, which was created within the framework of the YES Georgia project;
  • It provides activity monitoring, evaluation, as well as online consultations for trainers.

The goal of the Junior Achievement program “Be an entrepreneur!”

The goal of the Junior Achievement program, “Be an Entrepreneur!”, is to promote entrepreneurial initiatives by students in upper grades through the study of the basic components of a business plan.

Students participating in the program will be able to:

  • getting to know the qualities and practical skills of a successful entrepreneur;
  • evaluating the entrepreneurial idea through product, customer and competitive advantage criteria;
  • Demonstrate business planning skills in entrepreneurial ventures, marketing, managerial, financial and ethical decision-making.



Module One: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Students will get to know the elements of starting a successful business, myths and facts about entrepreneurship, participate in a product creation competition.

Module Two: What is my business?

Students take on the roles of various entrepreneurs to develop a product or service idea, analyze the sources of successful entrepreneurship to select a product or service for their business plan.

Module Three: Who is my customer?

A group of students creates and presents an application to demonstrate how market needs as well as target groups contribute to successful entrepreneurship.

Module Four: What are my preferences?

Students evaluate actual companies that have been able to select and use competitive advantages.

Module Five: Competitive Advantage

Students begin a game that reflects an effective competitive advantage and allows them to choose the best entrepreneurial activity for them.

Module Six: Ethics for Business

Students learn how necessary and important ethics are for the long-term development of business.

Module Seven: Business Plan

Students apply the key elements of successful entrepreneurs to their product or service and create a business plan.

ჩვენ შესახებ

„ჯუნიორ ეჩივმენტი საქართველო“ 2002 წლიდან ახორციელებს სამეწარმეო და ფინანსური განათლების პროგრამების სწავლების ხელშეწყობას საქართველოში.


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about us

“Junior Achievement Georgia” has been promoting the teaching of entrepreneurial and financial education programs in Georgia since 2002.


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