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On September 7-9, a 3-day preparatory training for entrepreneurship teachers was held

On September 7-9, 2024, Junior Achievement Georgia, within the framework of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) project “Entrepreneurship Education Support in Europe and Eurasia” held a preparatory online training for teachers of the “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” program, which was organized by 49 educational institutions in different regions of Georgia. A representative attended. […]

Teacher of the year 2024

Nana Kupreishvili became the best entrepreneurship teacher of 2024! Nana has been teaching the basics of entrepreneurship at the Georgian-American International School “Progress” for 6 years, and many successful companies of students have been created under her mentorship. The prize is awarded annually to teachers who, through their own work, promote entrepreneurial education and motivate […]

Training of trainers of teachers of the “Business Skills” program in Kutaisi

On February 25-26, 2017, St. In Kutaisi, “Junior Achievement Georgia” in cooperation with the scientific-intellectual club “Taobata Dialogi” and with the support of the German Savings Banks Foundation conducted the training of trainers of teachers of the “Business Skills” program. The program included 10 academic hours, which were attended by teachers of the Imereti region […]

Presentation of the “Business Skills” program and training of teacher trainers in Batumi

On March 10, 11 and 12, 2017, St. In the American corner of Batumi, “Junior Achievement Georgia”, in cooperation with the Batumi Education, Development and Employment Center and with the support of the German Savings Banks Foundation, conducted the presentation of the “Business Skills” program and the training of teacher trainers. Directors and teachers of […]

ჩვენ შესახებ

„ჯუნიორ ეჩივმენტი საქართველო“ 2002 წლიდან ახორციელებს სამეწარმეო და ფინანსური განათლების პროგრამების სწავლების ხელშეწყობას საქართველოში.


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about us

“Junior Achievement Georgia” has been promoting the teaching of entrepreneurial and financial education programs in Georgia since 2002.


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